Fahrettin Örenli

Studio: Marnixstraat 150F, 1016 TE Amsterdam NL
+31(0)623049679 // TR +90(0)5364510425

conspiracy wall > ANARTIST // entrika duvarı > ANARTİST

Reflecting autobiography in art practices “Conspiracy Wall > ANARTIST” reflects, the relation between my literary work (poetry) and visual art work (drawing and photography) and build a solid bridge between them to deal with complex human, social and political issues of our time.

This artist’s book “Conspiracy Wall > ANARTIST” is a critical voice that expresses the cultural and social developments at present and the artist’s function in society and in the art scene.

The project raises questions about the boundaries of drawing, photography and print, such as ‘what is computer drawing?' It also questions the transgression of the formal boundaries of artistic disciplines and the artistic carrier of meaning.

As I was born in between two different ethnic origins and as I live in between two nations, I became merged as a universal “anartist”, wondering: ‘If a person was born in a place and moved somewhere else and then grew up or continued to develop himself in that place… are there any differences to be found, compared to a person who was born and grew up in the same place where he was put into this world? Or does the place other than the one you’re born in make all the difference in the world one experiences? How important is it and how can you become conscious of the new reality or environment? How does one develop oneself, how does one adopt or build a new reality? All in all, this project is raising questions to find the ultimate, ideal form of merging life and art…

The same issue can be applied to a creative process... to find the ultimate, ideal form of art.